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Welcome to Paracas

The cradle of Peruvian drink Pisco

Amazing journey along the Peruvian coast, Paracas played very important role during our history, it is well known as the birthplace of Paracas culture, the Peruvian flag, the famous brandy of Pisco, produced from muscat of all kind of grapes that is farmed in the valley of Pisco, Ica, Nazca, and Chincha. On this tour visit the pristine reserved area of Ballestas Island, where keep abundance of sea life, the national reserve area of Paracas, the unique view point of sealions, Paracas indeed is the area that maintain an endless resources. Travel along the desert, and you will end up at one of the most scenic sand dune, at this point the splendid view will amazed you.

Travel to Paracas and enjoy the natural wonder, sand, sun, waves, real gastronomy, indeed the place of ideal rest.

Paracas Tourist Circuit

Ballestas Island

Visit this natural wonder, where live an endless number of sea creatures that you will be the eyewitness, take perfect shots and share along your journey.

Paracas Natural Reserve

Astonishing land tour to this driest area in the world, appreciate white beaches, cliffs, and a barren desert with a colourful contour.

Lookout point of sea lions

Admire this natural habitat of sea lions, considered the natural wonder where a large number of them leisure around. Observe its natural behaviour.

Sandboarding Paracas

Explore its surrounding, and be part of this fantastic experience and its gorgeous sand dunes, that offers great vistas to its surroundings.

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